Thank You! Dear Friends and Family: I don’t know how to put it into words other than “Thank You” for your donations to Guiding Eyes for the Blind in support of Wagathon 2024 and Team Tessi. Tessi and I had an amazing month of exploring our community in Angola, Indiana. Our goal was to walk 26.2 miles and completed 30.44 miles. I had originally hoped to raise $1000 and you all donated $2200 in support of Team Tessi. You don’t know how much this means to me and to those that will receive a life changing guide dog from Guiding Eyes for the Blind this year. I am forever grateful for your support and encouragement during my own journey of sight loss! Thanks again, David & Tessi

Welcome to my WAGATHON page!
David Wood
Guiding Eyes for the Blind changes lives by connecting amazing people with extraordinary dogs. For individuals who are blind or visually impaired, a Guiding Eyes dog means freedom, confidence, and the opportunity to experience all of life's adventures - big and small. From Home Training to Specialized Training to Running Guides and more, Guiding Eyes' pioneering programs are individualized to each student. Together, these dogs are paired with just the right student - and both their lives are forever changed. You can be a part of this life-changing mission by making a donation today!
Thank you for your support! - David
I walked 1.22 miles towards my goal!
Great 1.83 mile walk to brunch this morning at the Trine University Commons. Less than $7.00 for a full brunch buffet.
I walked 1.83 miles towards my goal!
Great 1.46 mile walk this evening to attend the Angola Cruise In Car Show. Tessi even enjoyed the music of “Above the Fold” band.
I walked 1.46 miles towards my goal!

Taco Tuesday Night Walk
Great night for a walk to Taco Tuesday at the Venue!
I walked 1.32 miles towards my goal!

September 17 Route

If you haven’t walked Commons Park…you should!
We had a great 3.73 mile walk this morning! It was 76 degrees and we walked all the bike paths around Angola’s Commons Park and Circle Hill.
I walked 3.73 miles towards my goal!
I walked 1.82 miles towards my goal!
Another awesome evening 2.06 mile walk to the Trine University golf course and back!
I walked 2.06 miles towards my goal!
Great little walk yesterday evening to downtown Angola with a bunch of friends for Taco Tuesday at the Venue.
I walked 1.13 miles towards my goal!
Nice 1.89 mile evening walk after dinner
I walked 1.89 miles towards my goal!
I walked 1.25 miles towards my goal!
I walked 1.55 miles towards my goal!

3.86 miles today!
3.86 miles today along the beautiful walking path through Commons Park to Angola Middle School and then through downtown Angola and Trine Campus. Tessi always stops for a drink at the Smoothie Shop since they have a dog bowl out front…love that! We’re just $100 short of our $2000 goal.
I walked 3.86 miles towards my goal!
We walked another 1.60 miles this even with neighbor friends for Taco Tuesday. We always go around the table and mention something we are thankful for… I said I was so thankful for friends and how walkable Angola is. Thanks to ALL of you for joining this journey with us.
I walked 1.6 miles towards my goal!

Help us with the remaking $150. Every dollar means the world to us!

Tuesday’s Walking Route
Another great walk this morning. It was a bit cool when we started (61 degrees) but warmed up to 68 at the finish. Tessi and I took the Steuben County Multipurpose Trail from Commons Park to Walmart. This route is very nice with wide sidewalks. Tessi was loving every minute. We only need $150 to make our $2000 goal, so if you know anyone that would like to make dreams come true for the visual impaired, send them this link:
I walked 3.17 miles towards my goal!

What a great day for a walk! Tessi and I completed 2.55 miles this morning. We walked through Trine University campus, downtown Angola, Indiana and even got to see/hear the steam engine at the Trine Depot. More updates tomorrow.
I walked 2.55 miles towards my goal!
59% of our Goal - Wagathon 2024 Tessi and I are starting our walk on Sunday and we need your help! We set a goal of $2000 in support of Guiding Eyes for the Blind and we’re currently at 59%. Every dollar you give helps us meet out goal. Thank you ALL so much for your support and encouragement, you don’t know how much this means to us and others with vision loss!