Welcome to UPCEA Fundraiser
Catoctin Puppy Raising Region
Catoctin Puppy Raising Region
Won't you help me grow into my harness?
The puppy raisers in the Montgomery Puppy Raising Region thank you for your generosity and support of Guiding Eyes for the Blind! Our puppies are doing their best to become future guide dogs for people who are visually impaired.
Our Montgomery Puppy Raising Region provides the following to support our dedicated puppy raisers:
• Training crates (large and small);
• Raiser starter kits to include training leash, Nylabones and appropriate puppy toys and
• Securing facilities in the local area, most often involving a rental/user fee, in order for the dogs to attend weekly training classes.
Thank you to UPCEA for allowing us to share our puppies with you!
The puppy raisers in the Montgomery Puppy Raising Region thank you for your generosity and support of Guiding Eyes for the Blind! Our puppies are doing their best to become future guide dogs for people who are visually impaired.
Our Montgomery Puppy Raising Region provides the following to support our dedicated puppy raisers:
• Training crates (large and small);
• Raiser starter kits to include training leash, Nylabones and appropriate puppy toys and
• Securing facilities in the local area, most often involving a rental/user fee, in order for the dogs to attend weekly training classes.
Thank you to UPCEA for allowing us to share our puppies with you!